Topology on ℝ≥0
The natural topology on ℝ≥0
(the one induced from ℝ
), and a basic API.
Main definitions #
Instances for the following typeclasses are defined:
TopologicalSpace ℝ≥0
TopologicalSemiring ℝ≥0
SecondCountableTopology ℝ≥0
OrderTopology ℝ≥0
ContinuousSub ℝ≥0
HasContinuousInv₀ ℝ≥0
(continuity ofx⁻¹
away from0
)ContinuousSMul ℝ≥0 α
has a continuousMulAction ℝ α
Everything is inherited from the corresponding structures on the reals.
Main statements #
Various mathematically trivial lemmas are proved about the compatibility
of limits and sums in ℝ≥0
and ℝ
. For example
tendsto_coe {f : Filter α} {m : α → ℝ≥0} {x : ℝ≥0} : Filter.Tendsto (fun a, (m a : ℝ)) f (𝓝 (x : ℝ)) ↔ Filter.Tendsto m f (𝓝 x)
says that the limit of a filter along a map to ℝ≥0
is the same in ℝ
and ℝ≥0
, and
coe_tsum {f : α → ℝ≥0} : ((∑'a, f a) : ℝ) = (∑'a, (f a : ℝ))
says that says that a sum of elements in ℝ≥0
is the same in ℝ
and ℝ≥0
Similarly, some mathematically trivial lemmas about infinite sums are proved, a few of which rely on the fact that subtraction is continuous.
- NNReal.instTopologicalSpace = inferInstance
bundled as a continuous map for convenience.
- ContinuousMap.realToNNReal = { toFun := Real.toNNReal, continuous_toFun := continuous_real_toNNReal }
Instances For
Embedding of ℝ≥0
to ℝ
as a bundled continuous map.
- ContinuousMap.coeNNRealReal = { toFun := NNReal.toReal, continuous_toFun := NNReal.continuous_coe }
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
The sum over the complement of a finset tends to 0
when the finset grows to cover the whole
space. This does not need a summability assumption, as otherwise all sums are zero.
x ↦ x ^ n
as an order isomorphism of ℝ≥0
- NNReal.powOrderIso n hn = StrictMono.orderIsoOfSurjective (fun (x : NNReal) => x ^ n) ⋯ ⋯