Theory of complete lattices #
Main definitions #
are the supremum and the infimum of a set;iSup (f : ι → α)
andiInf (f : ι → α)
are indexed supremum and infimum of a function, defined assSup
of the range of this function;- class
: a bounded lattice such thatsSup s
is always the least upper boundary ofs
andsInf s
is always the greatest lower boundary ofs
; - class
: a linear ordered complete lattice.
Naming conventions #
In lemma names,
is calledsSup
is calledsInf
⨆ i, s i
is callediSup
⨅ i, s i
is callediInf
⨆ i j, s i j
is callediSup₂
. This is aniSup
inside aniSup
.⨅ i j, s i j
is callediInf₂
. This is aniInf
inside aniInf
.⨆ i ∈ s, t i
is calledbiSup
for "boundediSup
". This is the special case ofiSup₂
wherej : i ∈ s
.⨅ i ∈ s, t i
is calledbiInf
for "boundediInf
". This is the special case ofiInf₂
wherej : i ∈ s
Notation #
- OrderDual.supSet α = { sSup := sInf }
- OrderDual.infSet α = { sInf := sSup }
Note that we rarely use CompleteSemilatticeSup
(in fact, any such object is always a CompleteLattice
, so it's usually best to start there).
Nevertheless it is sometimes a useful intermediate step in constructions.
- le : α → α → Prop
- lt : α → α → Prop
- le_refl : ∀ (a : α), a ≤ a
- sSup : Set α → α
Any element of a set is less than the set supremum.
Any upper bound is more than the set supremum.
Any element of a set is less than the set supremum.
Any upper bound is more than the set supremum.
Alias of the forward direction of isLUB_iff_sSup_eq
Note that we rarely use CompleteSemilatticeInf
(in fact, any such object is always a CompleteLattice
, so it's usually best to start there).
Nevertheless it is sometimes a useful intermediate step in constructions.
- le : α → α → Prop
- lt : α → α → Prop
- le_refl : ∀ (a : α), a ≤ a
- sInf : Set α → α
Any element of a set is more than the set infimum.
Any lower bound is less than the set infimum.
Any element of a set is more than the set infimum.
Any lower bound is less than the set infimum.
Alias of the forward direction of isGLB_iff_sInf_eq
A complete lattice is a bounded lattice which has suprema and infima for every subset.
- sup : α → α → α
- le : α → α → Prop
- lt : α → α → Prop
- le_refl : ∀ (a : α), a ≤ a
- inf : α → α → α
- sSup : Set α → α
Any element of a set is less than the set supremum.
Any upper bound is more than the set supremum.
- sInf : Set α → α
Any element of a set is more than the set infimum.
Any lower bound is less than the set infimum.
- top : α
- bot : α
Any element is less than the top one.
Any element is more than the bottom one.
Any element is less than the top one.
Any element is more than the bottom one.
- CompleteLattice.toBoundedOrder =
Create a CompleteLattice
from a PartialOrder
and InfSet
that returns the greatest lower bound of a set. Usually this constructor provides
poor definitional equalities. If other fields are known explicitly, they should be
provided; for example, if inf
is known explicitly, construct the CompleteLattice
instance as
instance : CompleteLattice my_T where
inf := better_inf
le_inf := ...
inf_le_right := ...
inf_le_left := ...
-- don't care to fix sup, sSup, bot, top
__ := completeLatticeOfInf my_T _
- completeLatticeOfInf α isGLB_sInf = let __spread.0 := H1; let __spread.1 := H2; ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Any CompleteSemilatticeInf
is in fact a CompleteLattice
Note that this construction has bad definitional properties:
see the doc-string on completeLatticeOfInf
Instances For
Create a CompleteLattice
from a PartialOrder
and SupSet
that returns the least upper bound of a set. Usually this constructor provides
poor definitional equalities. If other fields are known explicitly, they should be
provided; for example, if inf
is known explicitly, construct the CompleteLattice
instance as
instance : CompleteLattice my_T where
inf := better_inf
le_inf := ...
inf_le_right := ...
inf_le_left := ...
-- don't care to fix sup, sInf, bot, top
__ := completeLatticeOfSup my_T _
- completeLatticeOfSup α isLUB_sSup = let __spread.0 := H1; let __spread.1 := H2; ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Any CompleteSemilatticeSup
is in fact a CompleteLattice
Note that this construction has bad definitional properties:
see the doc-string on completeLatticeOfSup
Instances For
A complete linear order is a linear order whose lattice structure is complete.
- sup : α → α → α
- le : α → α → Prop
- lt : α → α → Prop
- le_refl : ∀ (a : α), a ≤ a
- inf : α → α → α
- sSup : Set α → α
- sInf : Set α → α
- top : α
- bot : α
A linear order is total.
- decidableLE : DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : α) => x ≤ x_1
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
- decidableEq : DecidableEq α
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
- decidableLT : DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
A linear order is total.
- CompleteLinearOrder.toLinearOrder = let __spread.0 := i; ⋯ CompleteLinearOrder.decidableLE CompleteLinearOrder.decidableEq CompleteLinearOrder.decidableLT ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Introduction rule to prove that b
is the supremum of s
: it suffices to check that b
is larger than all elements of s
, and that this is not the case of any w < b
See csSup_eq_of_forall_le_of_forall_lt_exists_gt
for a version in conditionally complete
Introduction rule to prove that b
is the infimum of s
: it suffices to check that b
is smaller than all elements of s
, and that this is not the case of any w > b
See csInf_eq_of_forall_ge_of_forall_gt_exists_lt
for a version in conditionally complete
Introduction rule to prove that b
is the supremum of f
: it suffices to check that b
is larger than f i
for all i
, and that this is not the case of any w<b
See ciSup_eq_of_forall_le_of_forall_lt_exists_gt
for a version in conditionally complete
Introduction rule to prove that b
is the infimum of f
: it suffices to check that b
is smaller than f i
for all i
, and that this is not the case of any w>b
See ciInf_eq_of_forall_ge_of_forall_gt_exists_lt
for a version in conditionally complete
A version of iSup_option
useful for rewriting right-to-left.
A version of iInf_option
useful for rewriting right-to-left.
When taking the supremum of f : ι → α
, the elements of ι
on which f
gives ⊥
can be
dropped, without changing the result.
When taking the infimum of f : ι → α
, the elements of ι
on which f
gives ⊤
can be
dropped, without changing the result.
Instances #
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Pi.instCompleteLattice = let __spread.0 := Pi.instBoundedOrder; let __spread.1 := Pi.instLattice; ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
This is a weaker version of sup_sInf_eq
This is a weaker version of inf_sSup_eq
This is a weaker version of sInf_sup_eq
This is a weaker version of sSup_inf_eq
Pullback a CompleteLattice
along an injection.
- Function.Injective.completeLattice f hf map_sup map_inf map_sSup map_sInf map_top map_bot = let __spread.0 := Function.Injective.lattice f hf map_sup map_inf; ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
- ULift.supSet = { sSup := fun (s : Set (ULift.{v, u_1} α)) => { down := sSup (ULift.up ⁻¹' s) } }
- ULift.infSet = { sInf := fun (s : Set (ULift.{v, u_1} α)) => { down := sInf (ULift.up ⁻¹' s) } }
- ULift.instCompleteLattice = Function.Injective.completeLattice ULift.down ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯