Basic linter types and attributes #
This file defines the basic types and attributes used by the linting
framework. A linter essentially consists of a function
(declaration : Name) → MetaM (Option MessageData)
, this function together with some
metadata is stored in the Linter
structure. We define two attributes:
applies to a declaration of typeLinter
and adds it to the default linter set. -
@[nolint linterName]
omits the tagged declaration from being checked by the linter with namelinterName
Returns true if decl
is an automatically generated declaration.
Also returns true if decl
is an internal name or created during macro
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A linting test for the #lint
- test : Lean.Name → Lean.MetaM (Option Lean.MessageData)
defines a test to perform on every declaration. It should never fail. Returningnone
signifies a passing test. Returningsome msg
reports a failing test with errormsg
. - noErrorsFound : Lean.MessageData
is the message printed when all tests are negative - errorsFound : Lean.MessageData
is printed when at least one test is positive - isFast : Bool
is false, this test will be omitted from#lint-
Instances For
A NamedLinter
is a linter associated to a particular declaration.
- test : Lean.Name → Lean.MetaM (Option Lean.MessageData)
- noErrorsFound : Lean.MessageData
- errorsFound : Lean.MessageData
- isFast : Bool
- name : Lean.Name
The name of the named linter. This is just the declaration name without the namespace.
- declName : Lean.Name
The linter declaration name
Instances For
Gets a linter by declaration name.
- Std.Tactic.Lint.getLinter name declName = Std.Tactic.Lint.getLinter.unsafe_impl_1 name declName
Instances For
Defines the std_linter
extension for adding a linter to the default set.
Defines the @[std_linter]
attribute for adding a linter to the default set.
The form @[std_linter disabled]
will not add the linter to the default set,
but it will be shown by #list_linters
and can be selected by the #lint
Linters are named using their declaration names, without the namespace. These must be distinct.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
@[nolint linterName]
omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name linterName
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Defines the user attribute nolint
for skipping #lint
Returns true if decl
should be checked
using linter
, i.e., if there is no nolint
- Std.Tactic.Lint.shouldBeLinted linter decl = do let __do_lift ← Lean.getEnv pure !((Std.Tactic.Lint.nolintAttr.getParam? __do_lift decl).getD #[]).contains linter