Sesquilinear form #
This file defines the conversion between sesquilinear forms and matrices.
Main definitions #
given a basis define a bilinear formMatrix.toLinearMap₂'
define the bilinear form onn → R
: calculate the matrix coefficients of a bilinear formLinearMap.toMatrix₂'
: calculate the matrix coefficients of a bilinear form onn → R
Todos #
At the moment this is quite a literal port from Matrix.BilinearForm
. Everything should be
generalized to fully semibilinear forms.
Tags #
sesquilinear_form, matrix, basis
The map from Matrix n n R
to bilinear forms on n → R
This is an auxiliary definition for the equivalence Matrix.toLinearMap₂'
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The linear map from sesquilinear forms to Matrix n m R
given an n
-indexed basis for M₁
and an m
-indexed basis for M₂
This is an auxiliary definition for the equivalence Matrix.toLinearMapₛₗ₂'
Instances For
Bilinear forms over n → R
This section deals with the conversion between matrices and sesquilinear forms on n → R
The linear equivalence between sesquilinear forms and n × m
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The linear equivalence between bilinear forms and n × m
- LinearMap.toMatrix₂' = LinearMap.toMatrixₛₗ₂'
Instances For
The linear equivalence between n × n
matrices and sesquilinear forms on n → R
- Matrix.toLinearMapₛₗ₂' σ₁ σ₂ = LinearMap.toMatrixₛₗ₂'.symm
Instances For
The linear equivalence between n × n
matrices and bilinear forms on n → R
- Matrix.toLinearMap₂' = LinearMap.toMatrix₂'.symm
Instances For
Bilinear forms over arbitrary vector spaces #
This section deals with the conversion between matrices and bilinear forms on a module with a fixed basis.
LinearMap.toMatrix₂ b₁ b₂
is the equivalence between R
-bilinear forms on M
matrices with entries in R
, if b₁
and b₂
are R
-bases for M₁
and M₂
- LinearMap.toMatrix₂ b₁ b₂ = (b₁.equivFun.arrowCongr (b₂.equivFun.arrowCongr (LinearEquiv.refl R R))).trans LinearMap.toMatrix₂'
Instances For
Matrix.toLinearMap₂ b₁ b₂
is the equivalence between R
-bilinear forms on M
matrices with entries in R
, if b₁
and b₂
are R
-bases for M₁
and M₂
respectively; this is the reverse direction of LinearMap.toMatrix₂ b₁ b₂
- Matrix.toLinearMap₂ b₁ b₂ = (LinearMap.toMatrix₂ b₁ b₂).symm
Instances For
Adjoint pairs #
The condition for the matrices A
, A'
to be an adjoint pair with respect to the square
matrices J
, J₃
Instances For
The submodule of pair-self-adjoint matrices with respect to bilinear forms corresponding to
given matrices J
, J₂
- pairSelfAdjointMatricesSubmodule J J₂ = (↑LinearMap.toMatrix') ((Matrix.toLinearMap₂' J).isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule (Matrix.toLinearMap₂' J₂))
Instances For
The submodule of self-adjoint matrices with respect to the bilinear form corresponding to
the matrix J
Instances For
The submodule of skew-adjoint matrices with respect to the bilinear form corresponding to
the matrix J