

The positive natural numbers #

This file develops the type ℕ+ or PNat, the subtype of natural numbers that are positive. It is defined in Data.PNat.Defs, but most of the development is deferred to here so that Data.PNat.Defs can have very few imports.

instance PNat.instIsWellOrder :
IsWellOrder ℕ+ fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x < x_1
theorem PNat.one_add_natPred (n : ℕ+) :
1 + n.natPred = n
theorem PNat.natPred_add_one (n : ℕ+) :
n.natPred + 1 = n
theorem PNat.natPred_lt_natPred {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
m.natPred < n.natPred m < n
theorem PNat.natPred_le_natPred {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
m.natPred n.natPred m n
theorem PNat.natPred_inj {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
m.natPred = n.natPred m = n
theorem PNat.val_ofNat (n : ) :
(OfNat.ofNat n.succ) = n.succ
theorem Nat.succPNat_lt_succPNat {m : } {n : } :
m.succPNat < n.succPNat m < n
theorem Nat.succPNat_le_succPNat {m : } {n : } :
m.succPNat n.succPNat m n
theorem Nat.succPNat_inj {n : } {m : } :
n.succPNat = m.succPNat n = m
theorem PNat.coe_inj {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
m = n m = n

We now define a long list of structures on ℕ+ induced by similar structures on . Most of these behave in a completely obvious way, but there are a few things to be said about subtraction, division and powers.

theorem PNat.add_coe (m : ℕ+) (n : ℕ+) :
(m + n) = m + n

coe promoted to an AddHom, that is, a morphism which preserves addition.

Instances For
    instance PNat.covariantClass_add_le :
    CovariantClass ℕ+ ℕ+ (fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x x_1
    instance PNat.covariantClass_add_lt :
    CovariantClass ℕ+ ℕ+ (fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x < x_1
    instance PNat.contravariantClass_add_le :
    ContravariantClass ℕ+ ℕ+ (fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x x_1
    instance PNat.contravariantClass_add_lt :
    ContravariantClass ℕ+ ℕ+ (fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ℕ+) => x < x_1

    An equivalence between ℕ+ and given by PNat.natPred and Nat.succPNat.

    Instances For

      The order isomorphism between ℕ and ℕ+ given by succ.

      Instances For
        theorem PNat.lt_add_one_iff {a : ℕ+} {b : ℕ+} :
        a < b + 1 a b
        theorem PNat.add_one_le_iff {a : ℕ+} {b : ℕ+} :
        a + 1 b a < b
        theorem PNat.bot_eq_one :
        = 1
        def PNat.caseStrongInductionOn {p : ℕ+Sort u_1} (a : ℕ+) (hz : p 1) (hi : (n : ℕ+) → ((m : ℕ+) → m np m)p (n + 1)) :
        p a

        Strong induction on ℕ+, with n = 1 treated separately.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def PNat.recOn (n : ℕ+) {p : ℕ+Sort u_1} (p1 : p 1) (hp : (n : ℕ+) → p np (n + 1)) :
          p n

          An induction principle for ℕ+: it takes values in Sort*, so it applies also to Types, not only to Prop.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem PNat.recOn_one {p : ℕ+Sort u_1} (p1 : p 1) (hp : (n : ℕ+) → p np (n + 1)) :
            PNat.recOn 1 p1 hp = p1
            theorem PNat.recOn_succ (n : ℕ+) {p : ℕ+Sort u_1} (p1 : p 1) (hp : (n : ℕ+) → p np (n + 1)) :
            (n + 1).recOn p1 hp = hp n (n.recOn p1 hp)
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.mk_bit0 (n : ) {h : 0 < bit0 n} :
            bit0 n, h = bit0 n,
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.mk_bit1 (n : ) {h : 0 < bit1 n} {k : 0 < n} :
            bit1 n, h = bit1 n, k
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.bit0_le_bit0 (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
            bit0 n bit0 m bit0 n bit0 m
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.bit0_le_bit1 (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
            bit0 n bit1 m bit0 n bit1 m
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.bit1_le_bit0 (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
            bit1 n bit0 m bit1 n bit0 m
            @[simp, deprecated]
            theorem PNat.bit1_le_bit1 (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
            bit1 n bit1 m bit1 n bit1 m
            theorem PNat.mul_coe (m : ℕ+) (n : ℕ+) :
            (m * n) = m * n

            PNat.coe promoted to a MonoidHom.

            Instances For
              theorem PNat.le_one_iff {n : ℕ+} :
              n 1 n = 1
              theorem PNat.lt_add_left (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
              n < m + n
              theorem PNat.lt_add_right (n : ℕ+) (m : ℕ+) :
              n < n + m
              @[simp, deprecated]
              theorem PNat.coe_bit0 (a : ℕ+) :
              (bit0 a) = bit0 a
              @[simp, deprecated]
              theorem PNat.coe_bit1 (a : ℕ+) :
              (bit1 a) = bit1 a
              theorem PNat.pow_coe (m : ℕ+) (n : ) :
              (m ^ n) = m ^ n
              theorem PNat.one_lt_of_lt {a : ℕ+} {b : ℕ+} (hab : a < b) :
              1 < b

              b is greater one if any a is less than b

              theorem PNat.add_one (a : ℕ+) :
              a + 1 = (a).succPNat
              theorem PNat.lt_succ_self (a : ℕ+) :
              a < (a).succPNat

              Subtraction a - b is defined in the obvious way when a > b, and by a - b = 1 if a ≤ b.

              theorem PNat.sub_coe (a : ℕ+) (b : ℕ+) :
              (a - b) = if b < a then a - b else 1
              theorem PNat.sub_le (a : ℕ+) (b : ℕ+) :
              a - b a
              theorem PNat.le_sub_one_of_lt {a : ℕ+} {b : ℕ+} (hab : a < b) :
              a b - 1
              theorem PNat.add_sub_of_lt {a : ℕ+} {b : ℕ+} :
              a < ba + (b - a) = b
              theorem PNat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_one {n : ℕ+} :
              n 1∃ (k : ℕ+), n = k + 1

              If n : ℕ+ is different from 1, then it is the successor of some k : ℕ+.

              theorem PNat.modDivAux_spec (k : ℕ+) (r : ) (q : ) :
              ¬(r = 0 q = 0)(k.modDivAux r q).1 + k * (k.modDivAux r q).2 = r + k * q

              Lemmas with div, dvd and mod operations

              theorem PNat.mod_add_div (m : ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) :
              (m.mod k) + k * m.div k = m
              theorem PNat.div_add_mod (m : ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) :
              k * m.div k + (m.mod k) = m
              theorem PNat.mod_add_div' (m : ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) :
              (m.mod k) + m.div k * k = m
              theorem PNat.div_add_mod' (m : ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) :
              m.div k * k + (m.mod k) = m
              theorem PNat.mod_le (m : ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) :
              m.mod k m m.mod k k
              theorem PNat.dvd_iff {k : ℕ+} {m : ℕ+} :
              k m k m
              theorem PNat.dvd_iff' {k : ℕ+} {m : ℕ+} :
              k m m.mod k = k
              theorem PNat.le_of_dvd {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
              m nm n
              theorem PNat.mul_div_exact {m : ℕ+} {k : ℕ+} (h : k m) :
              k * m.divExact k = m
              theorem PNat.dvd_antisymm {m : ℕ+} {n : ℕ+} :
              m nn mm = n
              theorem PNat.dvd_one_iff (n : ℕ+) :
              n 1 n = 1
              theorem PNat.pos_of_div_pos {n : ℕ+} {a : } (h : a n) :
              0 < a